Monday, October 28, 2024
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
There’s lots of interactions everyday.
One yesterday stands out. It was after vaas. Moula was padahring just past. Everyone was seated and doing deedar. It was nice and relatively calm for a Moula situation. Everyone was able to do deedar and thamakun sey.
And then a few seconds in one dude in the front stood up. He was very quickly followed by several people around him standing. And then more people. It was like a wave. I could feel myself and a few around me groaning collectively and I remember thinking, “SERIOUSLY!?”.
I stubbornly stayed seated thinking this is the adab thing to do. Then everyone was standing around me and I had to stand out of safety. Again I thought, “SERIOUSLY?!”. I have to get up and do what’s not adab right now.
I thought, not immediately I admit, what was this guy’s niyat? Was it to annoy me? Very very very likely not. He just wanted to see moula. All those other people probably did too. I have the insane naseeb to be annoyed. I get to go in so many situations where I get to be close to Moula and have his nazr. Alhamdolillah!
This is just one example, but annoying stuff happens all the time everyday. People’s niyat is almost always good.
Moula repeated three times one my favorite things he says, “wa lad deen ilul hoob”. There is no deen without love. It has a new layer today. Love people’s niyat. That’s part of deen.
Taher, look at people’s niyat. It is almost always good. Love that.
The more I learn the more it becomes clear that stuff doesn’t matter as much as it seems in almost every case.
So much we’re instructed to do begins with “thamakun sey” [fill in the blank].
Just relax! Relax while you eat. Relax while you do namaz. Relax when you do tasbee at the end of namaz. Relax when you work. Relax when you sleep. Relax when you dream.
In fact, have a passion for relaxing. Relax and appreciate the world. Appreciating the world is ibadaat.
Work hard at relaxing. When that person or thing annoys you that’s the way it’s supposed to go. Relax and let what’s coming come. It’ll come to pass regardless.
Taher, just relax! You’ll get what’s coming to you and it’ll be better if you’re relaxed to receive it.
Friday, October 18, 2024
The day has its twists and turns. It plays out and is done once it’s done. We have one body.
It’s an opportunity though. We can each live the day twice. Each day we can live the day and each night we can think about how we would have wanted to spend the day. It’s like a big do-over. It’ll probably lead to better sleep too😁
We are “prisoners” to our bodies I suppose. We have the choice to be angry that we are here or take a different view and mark time in days until…Either way we’re stuck until we “get out”.
Taher, be a better prisoner. Each day has a second chance.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
This is post mostly advice for me to read later.
What do you see when you look at people?Don’t be surprised. They are exactly who they are supposed to be. Trust that they are. Trust them. Give it away just like love.
Trust people. Sometimes they might not come through and you will get burned. They aren’t supposed to always come through. That’s why trust is so hard.
The alternative is don’t trust or trust slowly even. You will still get burned. You won’t realize it though. People would come through and you won’t know. It’s lonely.
Taher, trust people. People do what they’re supposed to. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
So much good or bad happens in our lives. Some clearly good. Some clearly bad. And much that’s a matter of perspective. That’s the part that makes life one or the other.
It can be tempting to blame someone else or even something else for stuff and the result is it’s bad. The same is true of the good. Blame may not be the right word for that.
Blame is the wrong view. No one is to blame. They were just doing what they were supposed to do. Expecting something else is foolish. Why blame the water for being wet?
Taher, don’t look for blame. It’s foolish.
Saturday, October 05, 2024
Rewards aren't usually linear. They aren't something to strive for either. They are more of a consequence. Good deeds have a consequence. The reward may or may not come as you comprehend. If you help a person or feed someone they may not reciprocate. That doesn't mean it won't come back to you and yours in some way.
It's a bit silly to think there's a reward. Humans were made in large part to help each other. The eye is made to see, but we don't expect a reward when it does. The legs were made to walk. We don't expect a reward when they bring us from one place to another.
Taher, there is a consequence to helping and giving. You may not be able to understand what it is.