Saturday, September 18, 2021


 A few weeks into the school year we got a nice email from Yusuf's math teacher.  It wasn't overly effusive, but it was very nice.  It called him a leader and said that the other students already look to him for help.  It made me super proud and got me thinking.

I'm so proud and recognize this quality that Yusuf seems to have already and that he's growing into.  It's very hard to articulate.  It's kind of intangible and his teacher recognized it and called him a "definite leader".  I think she recognizes the same quality.  It's easy to see in my opinion and very hard to articulate.  I think throughout his life people will say stuff like "he's so nice" and otherwise give him credit for stuff.  He is still 13:), but he has an ability to genuinely interact with people and they respond to that.  I don't know the right word.  Genuine isn't it.  He can be a good listener, but that isn't it.  It's recognizing others on a very basic level.  It's a quality that is hard to find and will do him well.  Alhamdolillah.

Taher, remember to listen and observe more.

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