Sunday, February 11, 2024


This philosophy is pretty complex. It often gets associated with simply not showing emotion. It’s about so much more. 

Importantly, it examines control in depth. I’ve thought a lot about control and over the years. Stoicism talks about defining what is in your control and importantly what isn’t. It says to respond to what’s in your control and not so much to the rest.

It makes clearer what’s not in your control. Maybe obviously, other people, but also your reputation and even your own body. Interestingly, for each thing not in your control there is a complimentary thing in your control. You can’t control what is said to you, but you can control how you think about it. You can’t control if your body doesn’t cooperate, but there is something you can control. 

For everything external there is something internal.  Focus on the internal.

Taher, react aand respond appropriately.

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