Saturday, November 04, 2023

Happy List

I usually am not a fan of self-help style lists. I really liked this one. I wanted to put it here and remember it. I edited it a little for brevity, but didn’t change it. 

Taher, read this once in a while. It’s a good reminder. 

11 habits that will make you happier than 98% of people:

1. Take Care of Your Health

You only get one mind and one body.  Both must last you a lifetime.  Without it, you have nothing.

2. Give Sincere Appreciation

Practice gratitude daily.  It helps you keep things in perspective.

3. Pay it Forward

Studies show random acts of kindness improve well-being.

You can practice paying it forward by:

• Holding the door for someone

• Picking up trash outside

• Giving a compliment

One simple action can alter the trajectory of your day.

4. Choose Optimism

But in the long run, optimists are the ones who live a life they’re proud of.

5. Reduce Your Wants

It is not the man who has too little that is poor.

6. Don't Compare Yourself to Others

Comparison is the thief of joy.  Compare yourself to who you were yesterday.

7. Ignore the Nonessential

There is always a new opportunity or distraction available.  But in the long run, it will be those who can stay focused on what’s most important who will be most successful.

8. Constantly Read

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.Books give you access to the: 

• Thoughts

• Stories

• Philosophies 

of those who came before you.

9. Prioritize Growth

There is no such thing as stagnant.  A 1% improvement in a day is a 3,700% improvement in a year.

10. Write Daily 

Putting your thoughts on paper forces you to organize them.  If you lack understanding, it will expose gaps in your thinking.  Use writing to sharpen your thinking and increase your brainspace.

11. Practice Meditation 

Take 10 minutes a day to be present and observe your thoughts.

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