Tuesday, March 21, 2023


 Every year in Ramadan I try to focus on one thing. This year it’s influence. 

I’ve heard or read many times in my life “lead by example” or something similar. Usually this is in a work context. It’s usually lead, but what doesn’t really talk about situations where you might not be a leader. 

Recently, I learned more about this thing that happens in our brains called Behavior Contagion. Our actions can be contagious and even change people’s brains. I like to think of this as influencing by example. I am not the best at articulating what I mean even to those small few who are patient enough with me to listen. Learning about this has taught me I don’t need to explain. Just do. 

Qualities can be contagious. Patience, honesty, humility, and understanding and can be contagious. I have an opportunity to pass it on. 

Taher, just do. Taher, smile more; it can be contagious. 

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