Monday, November 18, 2019

Notice More

Today started out wonderful. I was a little jet lagged and got up super early. So was the family. We all got up together and spent some time lounging in bed listening to Zahra sing the intro jingles from 80s sitcoms and from random commercials. She knows EVERY WORD of all them. How?!!  This family time lounging in bed is awesome and usually kinda forced because usually there’s somewhere to be or people wake up at different times or both. The stars aligned on this Monday morning and we all started the day with a rare and amazing moment.

Taher, notice stuff and not just on vacation.

I’m getting used to being here and after our busy day of spiritual bucket filling ziyarat and shopping. I love getting to watch other people be happy and satisfied. There’s a ton of that in ziyarat and being with Zahra when she’s getting stuff done for the family.

Taher, notice how people feel.

I got to go for a walk near the water with the kids. It was amazing to see and hear what they noticed. It wasn’t the noise or the busyness all around. They noticed a bright orange sun and looked in wonder able to focus on that beauty and block out everything else for a moment. I’m loving that Yusuf takes out his phone to take pictures and video of whatever he wants to share with people. I’ve taken so many boring pictures of him taking a video or picture. I find it so cool.

Taher, notice what other people see.

Both physically and spiritually I’ve spent the last several hours getting ready for a week of what I expect to be intense spiritual experiences and meeting family and shared experiences with the family and mom and dad. And a whole lot of stuff I don’t even know. I can’t wait to write notes to my future self about what I’m about to learn. 

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