Thursday, July 23, 2020

Plan A

I have been going back and forth on how much control I have over plans.  I’m not so sure. The details don’t go to plan all the time for sure, but maybe the big stuff is part of the plan. It has to be. So many times in my life I’ve taken a moment to think that so many, many things had to go exactly “right” for something to happen the way it did.

I’m here, I met Zahra at the exact right time, Yusuf and Nooriya came into our lives, and so many, many other things that I can’t list.

Taher, it may not be part of your plan A, but there is a plan. 

Monday, July 20, 2020


These last couple months have upended a lot of things for lots of people. Things are definitely very different now. We’ve developed some good habits and adjusted a bunch. We have definitely changed a bunch of things. I am mostly happy with how things have gone for us and proud of how we have adapted. I do consider my self a look-at-the-bright side person, but hopefully not annoyingly so.

COVID and the last couple months have made clear to me that my plans don’t matter. Some stuff will happen whether I want it to or not. Like pretty much everyone else, I didn’t expect any of this and it changed a bunch of my plans both short term and long term.

Taher, plans change and it’s not in your control. Go with the flow and be happy. 

Thursday, July 09, 2020


Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it you'll never make it through the night.